Roman Reigns Doesn’t Need Undertaker Win to Boost WWE Legacy


Roman Reigns is poised for great things in the WWE regardless of the result of his encounter with the Undertaker at WrestleMania 33.

Roman Reigns is all set for the biggest challenge of his young pro-wrestling career. On April second, the Big Dog will go head to head with the Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. The Undertaker as we all know, has only been beaten once in WrestleManias. As such, Reigns faces a challenge bigger than Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31 ahead of him.

Reigns has been promoted as the replacement for John Cena by all means. However, there is only one thing that he lacks. That is the support and respect of the fans. Chants of ‘Roman sucks’ fill the arena often at times. However, on any given day, Roman Reigns has an impeccable ability to generate a reaction from the crowd. Creative has done everything they could do to get him over with the crowd. They have given him title wins and main event matches.

To play up his aggressive and extreme side, creative has had Reigns feature in a number of street fights and big spots involving tables and chairs. Despite all this, Reigns still remains a polarizing figure among the fans. His arrival would divide the entire arena into two groups. In their latest attempt to have Roman Reigns go over with the fans, they have placed him in a feud with the Undertaker.

Must Read: 5 Reasons Roman Reigns Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

However, placing a controversial character like Reigns against one of pro wrestling’s most respected veterans could prove to be a fatal experiment. If Reigns beats the Undertaker on what could potentially be his final WrestleMania, the crowd would be upset with the outcome for ages. Moreover, they will take it all out on Reigns, tarnishing any plans to firmly establish him as a face. Reigns’ best bet would be to give his all in the match but ultimately fall to the Dead Man.

Moreover, Roman Reigns does not need this win to establish or boost his legacy in the WWE. He is already a mega star in the making and could very well be the one to carry the company to the next decade. Reigns has a few advantages over his peers in this regard. He has remained fairly healthy. He has not sustained any career threatening injuries unlike Rollins or Kevin Owens. He has the prototypical WWE star’s looks. Finally, he is still fairly young and doesn’t carry a lot of wear and tear, unlike other stars who have had to fight their way through the independent scene.

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On top of this, he has received the same kind of booking treatment that Cena usually gets. Roman Reigns is a multiple time WWE champion at this point. He has won back to back Royal Rumbles. Moreover, his performance in Royal Rumble is yet another story. He holds the record for most number of eliminations in a single Royal Rumble. The Big Dog has also been among the final four in every Rumble he has been part of. Moreover, Reigns has been one of the final two in 2014, 2015 and 2017 Royal Rumble matches.

You don’t simply get booked like that in the WWE. Not unless they have long-term plans to make you the face of the company. Prior to going up against the Undertaker, Reigns was involved in a program with Braun Strowman. Moreover, Roman Reigns handed Strowman a PPV loss. If that doesn’t tell you anything about how well he has been booked till now, nothing would. He has achieved everything a wrestler of the new era could ever dream of. All of this has been done in a relatively short span of time as well. As such, the ceiling for Roman Reigns is rather high. His achievements so far could form the foundation for a Hall Of Fame career in the future.

However, all this could go down the drain if Reigns were to beat the Undertaker. The crowd would go into a state of riot and creative would have done irreparable damage to Reigns’ career by then. He could perhaps gather a ton of organic heat in the process. That could potentially set him to be one of the biggest heels in the company in recent times. However, that would ensure he never becomes the face of the company. At least not in the eyes of its loyal fans.

If Reigns would have been facing someone like Lesnar or Goldberg instead, there wouldn’t have been such an issue. But against a respected veteran of the craft, during his final years in the WWE, it is hard to pull off. Rather it could be termed as totally unnecessary. Someone who has been booked like Reigns does not need a win against the Dead Man at the show of shows.

Next: WWE WrestleMania 33: If Undertaker Loses, What’s Next?

It is still fairly too early to call this match. Reigns might exceed everyone’s expectations and carry the entire load of the match on his own. This could even be one of the best matches on the card at the end of the night. However, it is still written in plain sight that Reigns doesn’t need this win to boost his legacy. What are your thoughts?