WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Last-Minute Predictions

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1. The Hardys Will Show Up After the Raw Tag Title Match Ends

At Ring of Honor’s Supercard of Honor show, Matt and Jeff Hardy lost the ROH World Tag Team Championship to the Young Bucks. It only sparked more speculation about them going to the WWE, including them receiving an offer.

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Well, while we don’t think any NXT stars are going to debut, we are looking for the Hardys to make their WWE return at WrestleMania. It would come after the Ladder match, one they’ve had plenty of success in through their illustrious careers.

The Raw Tag Team Championship match will see Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows defend against Enzo Amore and Big Cass, and Cesaro and Sheamus. So if we’re saying Matt and Jeff are showing up afterward, wouldn’t it make the most sense to go after the heels? That may mean Anderson and Gallows retain the belts. They could be celebrating, until the Hardys sneak up from behind and stand there as the Camping World Stadium crowd goes wild. The Club could then make the first move to fight, only to begin the battle and feud for the post-WrestleMania shows.

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The return of the Hardys seems inevitable whether it’s at WrestleMania, Monday or Tuesday night. Whatever they do, it will be impactful, too.