WWE SummerSlam 2017: The Hardy Boyz Won’t Help Jason Jordan in the Long Run

They may get him cheered at WWE SummerSlam, but The Hardy Boyz won’t be able to help Jason Jordan avoid the wrath of the fans forever.

Looking back to last month, it almost seems like the big reveal of Jason Jordan as the illegitimate son of WWE Hall of Famer, Kurt Angle was just a weird dream.

At the time, it was one of the most intriguing feuds in the company this year, at least up until the punch line – for lack of a better term. With the weekly secretive discussions held by Kurt Angle and Corey Graves backstage, not to mention the acting on display by Angle either, the slow, suspenseful build was a very nice change of pace.

Then, weeks of mystery and speculation were brought to a rather abrupt conclusion when Angle revealed that American Alpha’s Jason Jordan was his biological son.

Jordan, with Chad Gable, had often been likened to Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin’s “World’s Greatest Tag Team”, due to their similarity in style and – in Gable’s case – background to the leader of the tandem, Kurt Angle himself.

The affiliation between Jordan and Angle was most definitely present, but this narrative always promised to be crazy no matter how plausible it was.

WWE hasn’t pulled off a storyline quite so outlandish in a long time, what with the internet having such precedence these days both in everyday life and in terms of the actual WWE product, that any attempt to create a story based on something quite as serious as this would have been shot down almost immediately.

They went down the “illegitimate son” route with Mr. McMahon and Hornswoggle about a decade ago, but it was a different time. WWE had an easier job of getting away with bigger plot-lines back then – proven by the fact that McMahon had written himself off two months prior when his limousine exploded with him inside it.

Regardless, it feels as though the climax of the “Jason Jordan is Kurt Angle’s son” storyline happened right at the beginning anyway, because we’ve seen little in the way of interaction or even plot development between the two since it happened.

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It feels like WWE could’ve found an easier way to push Jason Jordan on Monday Night Raw than by fabricating a family history for him, because it doesn’t seem to have improved the man’s popularity whatsoever. In fact, in a rather shocking turn of events, it seems as though the WWE Universe actually doesn’t care much for blatant nepotism in the workplace – given how Jason Jordan suddenly received a big singles push as soon as the boss on Monday nights realized he was the man’s father.

Now, instead of the slow underdog build that made American Alpha a must-see act in NXT, Jordan is practically being shoved down people’s throats as someone who should be adored due to their bloodline, as opposed to their raw natural talent.

The man’s God-given ability is being overshadowed by the tiny little asterisk by his name that reminds you that he’s a second generation athlete now.

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This is where The Hardy Boyz come in. For those unaware, Jordan was initially supposed to take on The Miz one-on-one at WWE’s upcoming SummerSlam event on Sunday – presumably for the Intercontinental Championship – but plans seem to have fallen through given the terrible reception he’s received over the last month.

Now, instead of competing by himself in Brooklyn, the WWE has thrown arguably the most popular tag team on the planet in his corner, with The Hardy Boyz there to practically force the fans to cheer for Jordan when he inevitably secures the pinfall.

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Admittedly, you do have to commend the WWE on their quick-thinking here, but this is very much a temporary solution to a problem the WWE is all too familiar with.

Another man that the company just refused to acknowledge the fans’ rejection for is Roman Reigns. They may not be on the same level yet, but this is how it begins, and no amount of smoke and mirrors with Matt and Jeff is going to stop Jordan from being right in the WWE Universe’s line of fire until the situation is actually addressed.

There will come a time when Jason Jordan’s back is against the wall and he won’t be able to rely on the mic-work of The Miz, or the popularity of The Hardy Boyz, to mask the fact that the WWE didn’t give him a chance to get over by himself.

If WWE doesn’t take this into account, Jordan can kiss his chances of a successful run goodbye when they realize there’s no room at the top for two unwanted babyfaces.

Next: WWE SummerSlam 2017 Predictions

What do you think? Should the WWE continue on with Jason Jordan’s push for now, or should they rethink their plans now that the fans have spoken?