WWE Fast Lane 2015: How to Book Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns


The main event of WWE Fast Lane will feature Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns for a spot in the WrestleMania 31 main event. How could it unfold?

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On the previous edition of Monday Night Raw, Triple H’s announcement turned out to be that Roman Reigns will be putting his number-one contender-ship for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31 on the line at the WWE Fast Lane pay-per-view. To decide who he would face, Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins faced each other in Raw’s main event with the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion winning.

Bryan vs. Reigns will more than likely main event Fast Lane. It will pit WWE’s most popular Superstar against Vince McMahon’s golden boy who he’s trying to use to replace John Cena. As in every match, there’s always a winner and a loser (unless there’s a double count-out, which is not expected for this).

Most fans know by now that WWE does not believe in Bryan as the top guy in the company, which makes his supporters angry. They also think that Reigns is ready to be the next Cena, which makes many fans angry. Anger from Bryan fans is likely to result from the Fast Lane main event; it’s just a matter of to properly book it to make sense.

Going into the end of Fast Lane, Bryan and Reigns will both still be lone-wolf babyfaces looking to battle each other to be in WWE’s biggest main event. The Leader of the Yes! Movement will be heavily cheered by the crowd while the former Shield member will likely face a mixed reaction from the audience. How will this end up finishing? Check out the two scenarios below.

Scenario I

We’re going to take a page out of the Sami Zayn-Adrian Neville match, with a twist.

At ringside, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will be resting on a table to showcase it, since this match is for who faces Brock Lesnar for the belt at WrestleMania 31. The announcers will praise it, talk up this match, and so on. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will also be observing the festivities on the side.

So we skip to the end of the match. Reigns and Bryan are going to be battling and let’s say a Superman Punch from The Rock’s cousin accidentally takes out both Bryan and the referee. Reigns heads to ringside and grabs the belt.

Just as he re-enters the ring, Triple H stands up and has a confused look on his face, which then turns to a smile. Reigns strikes Bryan with the belt, the referee coincidentally awakens, and counts 1-2-3.

Reigns will align himself with The Authority and begin an interesting path as a heel. It also sets up a possible Paul Heyman representation or a huge babyface turn for Rollins at WrestleMania 31 if he cashes in.

I love this scenario because of the avenues that it opens up. However, the following situation seems more likely.

Scenario II

As many know by now, Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler looks likely for WrestleMania 31.

During Bryan vs. Reigns, the Bearded Superstar could start taking advantage at the end of the match and have the odds in his favor. Suddenly, Ziggler’s theme music plays.

The Showoff will enter the ring while Bryan has a very confused look on his face. Reigns will be on the ground stunned as well.

Ziggler will start shouting at Bryan that this should have been him in this match, which Bryan gets very angered at. Ziggler will turn his head for a moment, quickly strike his friend in the face and beat him down. Reigns will then slowly rollover on Bryan to cover him for the pin and head to WrestleMania 31.

This sets up Bryan vs. Ziggler in typical face vs. heel form.

Either way, someone is going to have a character turn following this match.

So you have seen scenario I and scenario II. Which one do you think is more realistic? What is your ideal scenario for this match? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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