How WWE Can Put Randy Orton Back into Story Lines


How could WWE bring back Randy Orton onto television?

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World Wrestling Entertainment needs “The Viper” Randy Orton to return to live events right now!

Orton has been away from WWE programming for the past four months at the hands of The Authority. Seth Rollins, along with Triple H have slowly started to plant a seed during their promos of the return of the ViperWhat confuses me is the report going out now that WWE creative team is having trouble placing Orton back into the story lines.

Let me help you out World Wrestling Entertainment. Randy Orton was taken apart by Seth Rollins, Kane, and J & J Security, so wouldn’t it make sense to write him back into a program with the Authority. With The Viper returning as a babyface, I can think of a few major programs Orton should be apart of in 2015.

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

Maybe it’s just me, but when I see them side by side on-screen I feel a sense of real sense of animosity between two of the most talented superstars on the main roster today. Yes they’ve faced each other before, but this is still a fresh and much-anticipated match up.

Rollins has done radio interviews since Orton’s absence, claiming that the former World Champion is “professionally jealous of him,” and “is past his peak as an in-ring performer.” I hope the WWE doesn’t drop the ball on a feud that I think has the chance of being one of the best rivalries in quite sometime. Both superstars are still young enough to compete for the WWE Championship for years to come.

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

This is another future main event match-up I can’t wait to see. Both competitors would beat the hell out of each other, adding excitement to a feud that would display two different styles. Each guy is an established characters and could benefit from a feud with one another trying to establish dominance.

Bray Wyatt is vindictive and once he latches onto something, he won’t let go until he’s full whether he wins or loses. Randy Orton was once a legend killer, now a viper. A viper that can strike out of nowhere with a vicious RKO

Let’s look deeply into this match-up, Imagine Wyatt calling Orton out as a member of society that should pay for his sins. Wyatt is great when he is unpredictable and Orton is amazing when he feels dangerous. This match-up would have intensity and brutality written all over it and one I’m dying to see in 2015. Bottom line, now is the time for Randy Orton to come back to the WWE and grace us with his greatness as we enter the road to WrestleMania.

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