WrestleMania X7 Rewind: The Undertaker vs. Triple H


Triple H and The Undertaker faced off at WrestleMania X7 to settle their differences in the latest WrestleMania Rewind.

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Event: WrestleMania X7

Date: April 1, 2001

Match: The Undertaker vs. Triple H


WrestleMania X7 would become the first of three matches between Triple H and The Undertaker at the show of shows.

These two had battled for months on their way to WrestleMania 17. Undertaker ended up getting this match after his brother Kane threatened to throw Stephanie McMahon-Helmsey to the ground from about twenty feet in the air. A restraining order had been placed on ‘Taker so he wouldn’t get within a certain distance from Triple H’s wife, so he had Kane threaten her. Commissioner William Regal would end up making this match for WrestleMania.

Before this match started, Undertaker was 8-0 at WrestleMania. Obviously, if you follow WWE in 2015, you know that he ended up going 21-0 until Brock Lesnar ended his streak at WrestleMania 30. While this makes the finish between Undertaker and The Game obvious, take a look below at how he got to 9-0.

The Match

This began outside the ring with ‘Take going right after Triple H. He threw him down to the ground a few times and took control of this match.

Undertaker then went for the “Old School” move, which he even shouted out. However, The Game threw him off of the top rope and began to gain momentum with a neck-breaker, lateral press, and a couple of punches. He would try getting a few pinfalls, but ‘Taker kicked out each time. This drove Triple H mad, as he pushed the referee and yelled at him.

The Dead Man looked to take control again until Triple H hit him with a face-buster. This led to him exiting the ring to grab his famous sledgehammer, which the referee yanked from him. With the official’s back turned, Triple H went for the Pedigree, which ‘Taker countered. He then side-stepped HHH, who flew into the referee. Undertaker then hit The Last Ride and nearly got the pinfall. This angered Undertaker enough for him to stomp and drop an elbow on the referee. This changed the entire course of the match.

With the referee down for an excessive amount of time, this gave both competitors freedom to go out of the ring and use anything at their disposal. They ended up going into the crowd and up the aisle.

Triple H and Undertaker continued to brawl into the crowd and by the control station. They would end up getting onto a platform with ‘Taker hitting punches and throwing him onto a higher structure by a camera. Triple H retaliated by nailing him with a steel chair multiple times. Just as HHH was about to hit him with the chair one more time, Undertaker grabbed him by the neck, raised him into the air and threw him down and off the structure! This had to be about a 7-8-foot drop to a concrete floor.

Undertaker would then jump off and hit a flying elbow on Triple H. As medical personnel were trying to attend to Triple H, Undertaker assaulted them too. By the way, the referee was still down while this was going on.

Eventually both stars made it out and into the ring. Once again, the referee is still motionless.

Undertaker then decides to grab the sledgehammer, which made Triple H very scared. As he begged for him not to strike him, in typical heel fashion, Triple H hit ‘Taker with a low-blow. A big boot was hit in retaliation.

These two then started to brawl. As it looked like Triple H was trying to hit a Tombstone on Undertaker, he countered the move and hit a Tombstone of his own. The referee started showing signs of life while this was going on.

Undertaker then set up for a Last Ride, however, Triple H grabbed the sledgehammer and struck him in the air with it. Triple H went for the pin, which the referee was so conveniently up for. Undertaker would end up kicking out.

Triple H then sent ‘Taker into the corner and hit with continuous punches. Undertaker would end up countering this by picking him up for The Last Ride, hitting Triple H with it, and pinning him 1-2-3.

What a match.

Final Thoughts

This great match put The Undertaker at 9-0 at WrestleMania. While this bout was a lot of fun, it was not the best match that these two would end up having. Check out their Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 28, which is a classic.

This match showed why Triple H and The Undertaker are two of the all-time greats in WWE. They are extremely talented, entertaining and know how to put on one heck of a match at the show of shows.

Go check this match out on the WWE Network. Their contest was part of arguably the greatest WrestleMania of the 30 that have been produced.

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