WWE WrestleMania 31: Live Results and Comments


Stay with this post for match results and big moments of WrestleMania 31! Comment below with your thoughts as well.

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Stay with this post throughout the evening for live results and big moments if you are not able to watch WrestleMania! Also leave your comments below on what you think of the show.

10:30 PM ET – WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Roman Reigns

11:00 PM ET – Seth Rollins cashes in and wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!

10:04 PM ET – Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

10:27 PM ET – The Undertaker wins with the Tombstone Piledriver.

9:42 PM ET – The Rock is here. Here we go.

9:50 PM ET – Wow Ronda Rousey is here too! They send Triple H and Stephanie McMahon fleeing from the ring. Great segment.

9:02 PM ET – WWE United States Championship Match – Results

Rusev (c) vs. John Cena

9:30 PM ET – Cena pins Rusev to win the US Championship.

8:40 PM ET – AJ Lee and Paige vs. The Bella Twins – Results

8:51 PM ET – AJ Lee makes Nikki Bella submit for the win.

8:31 PM ET – Daniel Bryan gets a moment with the WWE legends. Pretty cool segment.

7:55 PM ET – Sting vs. Triple H – Results

7:59 PM ET – The match hasn’t even started and it’s already unbelievable.

8:31 PM ET – Triple H defeats Sting in a Monday Night War battle.

7: 28 PM ET – Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins – Results

7:49 PM ET – Randy Orton hits a ridiculous RKO for the win. I’m calling it that Rollins is cashing in.

7:00 PM ET – WWE Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match – Results
Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. Stardust vs. Luke Harper vs. Dean Ambrose

7:27 PM ET – Daniel Bryan wins the Intercontinental Championship! That was one good match.

6:28 PM ET – Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal – Results
List of participants: The Miz, Curtis Axel, Ryback, Fandango, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, Titus O’Neil, Darren Young, Big Show, Kane, Erick Rowan, Damien Mizdow, Sin Cara, Goldust, Heath Slater, Mark Henry, Konnor, Viktor, and Hideo Itami.

6:29 PM ET – AxelMania was the first one to go.

6:32 PM ET – Alex Riley was surprisingly in this. He got eliminated early, however.

6:34 PM ET – Big Show took out Hideo Itami very early. That was a disappointing debut for him. Hopefully it isn’t a sign of what’s to come because they made him look like a joke.

6:37 PM ET – They are giving Big Show a very large role (no pun intended) in this. I don’t like it.

6:41 PM ET – Miz, Mizdow and Big Show are the final three. The booking has been awesome.

6:48 PM ET – Big show last eliminates Damien Sandow, who turned on The Miz, for the win.

6:03 – WWE Tag Team Championship Match – Results
Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (c) vs. The New Day vs. The Usos vs. Los Matadores

6:08 – Jey Uso was taken out of the match by having his injured shoulder targeted. I don’t think we’re going to see him for awhile after tonight

6:16 – Cesaro and Kidd retain in a very chaotic but fun opening match to get the crowd going.

5:27 PM ET – Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury went face-to-face with the former stooges, Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson! Nice little segment.

5:13 PM ET – It looks like the reports were true, Lana is back. She was in a backstage segment with Rusev in the beginning of the Kickoff show.

WrestleMania 31 is finally here!

All these months of hype and speculation have finally brought us to this event at Levi’s Stadium.

Check out the match card below:

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (c) vs. The New Day vs. The Usos vs. Los Matadores

André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
List of participants: The Miz, Curtis Axel, Ryback, Fandango, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, Titus O’Neil, Darren Young, Big Show, Kane, Erick Rowan, Damien Mizdow, Sin Cara, Goldust, Heath Slater, Mark Henry, Konnor, Viktor, and Hideo Itami.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Roman Reigns

WWE United States Championship Match
Rusev (c) vs. John Cena

WWE Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match
Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. Stardust vs. Luke Harper vs. Dean Ambrose

Sting vs. Triple H

The Bella’s vs, AJ Lee and Paige

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

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