WWE WrestleMania 32 Predictions: New Day vs. League of Nations


A look at who could win this WrestleMania 32 match between New Day and League of Nations.

A handicap match will be featured at WrestleMania 32. The New Day will be taking on all four members of The League of Nations in one of three tag team matches taking place at the show.

At first, this was supposed to be a match for the WWE Tag Team Championships. For whatever reason, though, that is not the case anymore.

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So who walks out of WrestleMania 32 with the victory? The Daily DDT staff gave their predictions on what could happen.

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Brandon Carney – Contributor

Even with this match being 4 on 3, the undisputed faces of the tag team division are not going to lose. This match is likely only happening because the League of Nations is the only group New Day haven’t defeated, so it’s probably a placeholder until an NXT team challenges them shortly after Mania. But for now, expect New Day to stay on top.

Prediction: New Day

Bryan Heaton – Contributor

The uneven sides make this tough to predict, as I expect a fourth person to join up with the Tag Team Champs. Word on what The Rock is doing at WrestleMania has been quiet, with rumors being that he’ll even the sides, but I don’t think that will happen – Rocky ain’t gonna wrestle on Sunday. Smart money is on New Day being victorious, as the League of Nations is starting to run its course; a loss at Mania could be the catalyst to let them go their separate ways.

Prediction: New Day

Carl Gac – Contributor

New Day have to get the win at ‘Mania. Your most over act do not need to lose to a ragtag collection of men who have been banded together as a heel group just because they are all foreigners. A win on the biggest card of the year can be a great precursor to an Enzo Amore/Big Cass debut the next night on Raw after New Day tell us that they have beaten every team that WWE has to offer.

Prediction: New Day

Jordan Campbell – Contributor

Hmmm, The New Day are facing The League of Nations on Sunday. That’s interesting because the tag titles are not on the line and The New Day is outnumbered by 1. The guess here is that they have help from a WWE legend. A WWE legend that they have already worked with this year. A WWE legend that will make sure that The New Day rocks. A WWE legend that is The Rock. The New Day wins.

Prediction: New Day

Joshua Gagnon – Contributor

I struggle so hard to care about the League of Nations, they should just team up with Curtis, Adam, Heath, and Bo to become the League of Outcasts.

Prediction: New Day

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Joshua Gibbs – Contributor

I make this choice strictly on the basis of how well things have been going for New Day as of late. They continue to find success in the ring and their mic work is top notch. Of course, this means everything will soon come crashing down and what better time than at WrestleMania? This match counts as my sleeper as most people will expect New Day to retain their championships but a victory by the poorly-named League of Nations will take this feud to another level since WWE seems to think that’s what we want to see. (Spoiler Alert: We don’t).

Prediction: League of Nations

Evan Gomes – Contributor


Prediction: New Day

Rob Wolkenbrod – Managing Editor

The League of Nations, also known as The Waste of Nations, have no business winning this match. They have no momentum and the crowd doesn’t care about them.

WWE cares, though, and is pushing them as the top heels in the tag team division. There has to be something behind this match not being for the WWE Tag Team Championships, so I see League of Nations winning with a 4 vs. 3 rematch for the belts at WWE Payback. The belts should be on the line at WrestleMania 32 in this bout, but it’s yet another head-scratching decision.

Prediction: League of Nations

Scott Littleton – Contributor

In what was a handicap match for the World Tag Team Championship it is now just a rivalry matchup between The New Day which has slowly turned face at the expense of the League of Nations. With it now being a non-title match I expect the League of Nations will come out on top setting up a future title shot on Raw or at Payback

Prediction: League of Nations

Tim Sherry – Contributor

The deck is stacked firmly against The New Day here. They’re outnumbered 4-3 against a team that has 8 world title reigns between them. However, the WWE seems hell-bent on getting The New Day over as babyfaces. What better way to accomplish this by beating a team of guys that most fans hate? The New Day win by pinfall.

Prediction: New Day

Travis Hopson – Contributor

New Day as babyfaces isn’t clicking quite as it should, but the League of Nations is a black hole from where no heat can escape. Crowds don’t hate them for being heels, they hate them for being dull and nonsensical. Expect New Day to come down to the ring in something wild, like flying unicorns or something, then overcome the handicapped odds to win, probably pinning King Barrett since he’s the designated fall guy.

Prediction: New Day

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We have New Day winning this match at 8-3. Who do you think walks out of WrestleMania 32 victorious?