WWE WrestleMania 32: An Open Letter to Vince McMahon


An open letter to Vince McMahon following WrestleMania 32.

Dear Vince,

I’ve been a faithful viewer of WWE programming since I was 5 years old. Now I’m


21 so that equals quite a few years of loyalty, not to mention the countless amounts of merchandise I have purchased to include shirts, actions figures, replica belts and other “hey-nerd-give-me-your-lunch-money” starter kit items. I’m also a WWE stockholder and have been for several years. So yes, I have a vested financial interest in wanting your company to succeed.

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As anyone who has read my articles can tell you, I’m not a professional writer so I would never presume to say the people you employ in this regard are not talented or at the very least are not qualified for the job. I am, however, an opinionated American who answers to no man or beast so here goes.

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Do your writers present great ideas only to be stifled and shot down at every turn or do they not offer you quality material? A yes answer to either question is equally disturbing. I only ask in the wake of questionable storylines, angles and matches I and many others have witnessed over the last year. You have built an incredibly successful empire and maybe that’s part of the problem. You have achieved such consistent success that you are either immune to criticism or you fail to see the shortcomings. You assume things will “work out” because they always have. This is the feeling I had going into WrestleMania 32. The build up to the biggest show of the year was strange and inconsistent but hey, it’s WrestleMania so I’m sure it will all be fine.

But it wasn’t. The show was an overall mess, with fantastic ring work overshadowed by confusing ends and no hope going forward. After so much hype surrounding Sasha Banks, Charlotte retains because hey, why not? After two months of build-up Shane loses to The Undertaker because hey, why not? In the wake of this match it seems that WrestleMania was a way for Shane to take some time away from his business ventures since your long-term plans apparently didn’t involve him. Did Bray Wyatt somehow disrespect you the same way as Titus O’Neil? That is the only logical explanation I have for his continued burial at the hands of other wrestlers, both current and part-time. If you want to get a guy over, you don’t make him a figurative and literal punching bag for your amusement. What did he do wrong? And of course, Roman Reigns won because everyone knew he was going to win. I literally mean everyone.

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It doesn’t have to be this way. I’m not a pessimist; quite the opposite actually. I want to see the WWE do well and you have so much talent on your roster that there is no reason why you can’t produce consistently good shows each and every week or, at least, make a valiant effort to do so. Maybe you’ve been surrounded by sycophants and yes-men for too long and no one is willing to call the baby ugly. That’s where I come in. I’m not a former wrestler and I’ve never held a single job in the pro wrestling industry. But I have spent a good part of my life watching and attending wrestling shows. A lot of them. I’m a fan of this medium and I want what is best for all other fans who enjoy it as much as I do. Quite simply, we demand better programming.

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I understand that you can’t allow fans to dictate the direction and ending of every storyline but you also can’t ignore them either.  Finding that balance is where the real artistry and finesse of your business comes into play but WrestleMania 32 was you going it alone and not caring at all what we think. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I know better days are ahead but it’s a shame those days didn’t arrive before April 3.