Seth Rollins Must Win at WWE Money in the Bank 2016


With Seth Rollins having returned to WWE, we looked at why he must win his match with Roman Reigns at Money in the Bank.

On Sunday night, we witnessed the return of Seth Rollins to WWE. After the conclusion of Roman Reigns’ main event match with AJ Styles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Rollins returned after almost seven months out through injury to attack the champion.

24 hours later, on Monday Night Raw, Rollins came out to address the crowd, he was quickly followed by Reigns, and then Shane McMahon. Shane decided that Rollins should be granted a title match at Money in the Bank in June. Rollins, after all, had to give up the title after suffering a severe knee injury whilst holding the belt back in November.

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The match was inevitable on Rollins’ return, you may just have expected it to have been a little more difficult for him to gain that match. In the world of WWE though I guess Rollins will step straight back into the spot he walked out of. One thing that has been tagged onto him (apart from the social media dubbed “Crossfit Jesus”) is the motto “Redesign, Rebuild, Reclaim”. It was something that he put up on his Instagram page back in November as he began his recovery from the injury.

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With those three words now being used as the motivation for Rollins, and the first two having come to fruition already, all that is left is for him to Reclaim that shiny gold belt, and that should happen at Money in the Bank. Rollins stepped out on Raw to massive cheers from the crowd, much like he had when he appeared at Extreme Rules. Within minutes of that return, he had the crowd booing him out of the building, though, and he will go forward as probably the number one heel in the company, with Reigns as the supposed babyface champion.

Rollins is one of the best professional wrestlers in the entire world. Rollins deserves to hold that WWE Championship again. He has the potential to be the MVP for WWE as we go through the rest of 2016 and into the next decade.

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We all know that Reigns will never receive the cheers that WWE is so desperate for him to hear, not without him first turning heel at least. With Rollins now pushed into the bad guy spot yet again, Rollins has the chance to help Reigns get those cheers, it won’t be an easy job but it is possible.

If WWE wants Rollins to have the biggest possible impact coming off the back of his return, then he needs to win that belt on June 19. Rollins needs to do everything he can to get the win in that match at Money in the Bank, he needs to be the ultimate heel. Immediately after Rollins gets the win, that is the point when you turn Reigns heel and destroy Rollins. Use the return of Rollins to make Reigns the character that he needs to become before he can be the sympathetic babyface that the fans may actually get behind.

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The crowd wants to cheer Rollins, as we saw on his first to appearances back, they want to boo Reigns, give them a reason to actually do that at Money in the Bank.